More Gazins (@Dawn and @Noon). It’s not often that I indulge in repetitions and variations on a theme but now and then I do treat myself to a colour and/or a B&W version of a given subject. This time I’m going the whole hog: from an originally B&W image, lo! there springs a full quartet. I simply could NOT resist the urge of going through the whole 24 hours sequence, m’lud, what can I say? Well, you know, Por mucho pan nunca mal año, they say. NB. Gazing@Dusk soooon come.
Update 12/12/17 Gazing@Dusk. So it comes full circle and don Salvatore has the last word:
Ognuno sta solo sul cuor della terra
traffitto da un raggio di sole:
ed í¨ subito sera
Salvatore Quasimodo