Month: April 2020


Mazed Monster. Voilí ! Another handy All-Purpose Gripe Indicator. You’re welcome.
Here are some of my favourites from this past ten days or so:

  1. Trump’s new, improved infallible remedy for COVID-19. Next it’ll be bleach, I daresay.
  2. Tony Blair urging the herd to give up more (and more?) of their progressively dwindling civil liberties for a bit of safety ! which no one intends to deliver. After all a) you don’t tell the frogs that you mean to drain the pond and b) the only reason you keep your cattle “safe. is to better slaughter them when the time comes.
  3. The presence of don Dominico in that pantomime advisory committee of “scientists.

Have a lovely week.
And un po’ di mu’ (of sorts), of course:

Health & Safety

Leviathan. aka KingClownWatch. (Unnumbered.) aka The Perfect Solution 2.0  There. Just follow the instructions and everything will be fluffy.

For They Shall Inherit The Earth

 Armoured Bugs. Meet the next heirs to planet Earth. I’m sure they’ll make a splendid job. Better than we did, in fact, I daresay.
Coming soon: ClownWatch 33. The Perfect Solution 2.0
And to keep you in giggles:

Waves & Tides

Evolution6. Waiting for the Second Coming, or wave, or whatnot, have some rather vain microscopic organisms. NB. The pangolins are pure GMCA (Graphically Modified ClipArt)

Watching The Watchers

King Clown Watch.No 21. Sin Comentario/ No comment. Just a reminder that WE are watching YOU, you ghastly so-and-sos. Some of us are actually alive, don’t you know…