Month: February 2010

The End Is Nigh

It truly is. One more Cup, the notorious Devil and…that’s it, folks. Thank Bumba I still have the mammoth revisionist task ahead, otherwise I’d have ginormous withdrawal symptoms. Anyways, here goes. Update 02/03/10 I’ve been meaning to do this ever since he died, but you know how it is. Well, it’s done. Goodbye Howard, you heart-breaker, you… Update 07/03/10 The last but one. Ah, the cold turkey,the cold turkey… NB. This one features a botijo, just because the lovely Señor Ubé hinted (ever so nicely) that perhaps … You know… The botijo contains a particularly heady variety of Valdepeñas. Salut! (Hic!) Update 08/03/10 And so we come to the end of a very, very long road. It is done. But, thank Bumba, not dusted. I’ll have nearly as much fun revising and re-thinking the whole damned thing. Life is sweet. Sometimes. Update 14/03/10 The Great Revisionist Endeavour is up & running. Here’s the first revised card, a great improvement over the original, as it has a perrrrrito, and the symbols are more  and more accurate.


Along Came A Rider

Cloppity-cloppitying along the course, sovaldi sale pills here comes a yoof on a horse. Wot closes the Court Cards series. Or, decease as I call it, the Palace Contingent. Three Cups, two Swords and one Devil to go, chaps. Ay, que emosssssion…. Plus, as a bonus, you may as well have two girls not to be messed with. Update 26/02/10 The last of the Swords!!! And a little something to celebrate the end of my (internet) connection problems.

vampirellaspanishgirlBorg! Borg!

The Rehab-Lab Is Back

Long live the Rehab-Lab! This item is one of the really special ones. You know these horrible English filums that English people like so much only because they are English? It would be OK if they liked the bloody dreary things and left the rest of us alone but, oh, no! They do go on , and on, and on. And they don’t stop until you’ve sat down and watched it, and got enormously bored and irritated and in a murderous mood. And then you tell them you think the movie is total crap and they look hurt, and then offended, and finally they say you just can’t appreciate them because you’re a sad little foreigner. That sort of thing. I can’t be the only one who’s “been there”. For they who know what I’m talking about… Update 15/02/10. It never rains… Plus  two more cards. Update 16/02/10 And two more. Seven to go, folks. Hai! Hai!
