Or, better still, Shoggoths in the Library. The library in question being that of the Yithians. Credit where credit is due, in its heyday it was simply the best and the vastest of all knowledge depots this side of the asteroid belt. What with the Yithians being such information fanatics, and the time-travel facilities and all. Their mistake was using the Shoggoths as a sort of cheap cleaning squad. And the Old Ones’ BIG mistake was forgetting the advice given them by Yog-Sothoth when handing the rubbery darlings over to them: Never let the creatures anywhere near a book. There, complacency will always find you quicker than your sins. Ha! PS. In case you’re wondering why there are no mops and buckets in the picture, that is because the Shoggies have eaten them. Update 25/02/11 One of these days I will have to tidy this saga up and upload the chapters in the right order. Meanwhile, have a shufti at what the poor ol’ Shoggies were made to build by the Old Ones. Chronicler’s Note. For those of you who think that the building in question, the infamous Sagrada Familia, was Gaudí­’s own idea, think again. It was an Old One design inspired by Great Cthulhu himself; conceived and designed as a pompous panegyric to their cleverness and might. (Double Ha!) The notion filtered through the endless eons into Don Antoni’s slightly deranged mind by way of one of those curious psychic singularities we know to exist in the cosmos but that nobody actually understands how they work. Gaudí­ was convinced that the idea was his own, inspired by god, poor man, when in fact it was an archaic hallucination.  I put it all down to an incorrect diet and too much religious fervour. And the fact that the bloody thing has been recently sanctioned by the Vatican only confirms it as a thoroughly evil contraption. Bumba have mercy… Massive update 26/03/11 The saga is now finished and can be seen in its own page and in its full “poetic glory (see Home page – A Brief History of Shoggoths button). Here goes the introduction to it. Update 16/04/11 There, the latest in the “Happier Times” series. Brief Update 09/06/11 No time & no energy & no brains. Spain sucked the very life out of me. So, have a couple of new things. I consider myself lucky that I’m not totally dead yet, as proven by the fact that I can still doodle. Bumba is merciful.